www.recycap.com (hereinafter, the “Sitio Web“) is owned by RECYCAP® TECHNOLOGIES S.L. registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Spain, in Volume 11269, Book 8547, Sheet 25, Page number V207567, Entry 1st, with registered office at Carrer de Colon 10, 6th floor, 46004-Valencia; contact email address info@recycap.com and N.I.F B-72687601 (hereinafter, “Recycap Technologies“).
Términos y Condiciones DEL SITIO WEB
Recycap Technologies welcomes and invites you to carefully read these Website Terms of Use of the Website (hereinafter, the “Términos y Condiciones de Uso") que describen los términos y condiciones que serán aplicables a tu navegación por el mismo, de conformidad con lo establecido en la normativa española de aplicación.
  1. Objeto These Terms of Use regulate the access and use of the web services that Recycap Technologies makes available to users through the Website. Accessing this Website or using it in any way gives you the status of “User” and implies your unreserved acceptance of each and every one of these Terms of Use, as well as the applicability of the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.Recycap Technologies  may change these Terms of Use at any time in the future, for example for legal, regulatory or business reasons. Changes to these Terms of Use may be made, for example, for security reasons, to improve functionality, to add new functionality or to ensure the continued operability of the Website. If we make changes to these Terms of Use, we will notify you by posting a notice on the Website. Please check these Terms of Use from time to time for updates. Your access to and/or use of the Website following the publication of these changes will be deemed to be your acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please refrain from using and accessing this Website. Users are also advised that, on occasions, particular conditions may be established for the use of certain specific content and/or services. The use of such content or services shall imply the acceptance of the particular conditions specified therein.
  2. Servicios Through the Website, Recycap Technologies offers Users the possibility of accessing information about the company and the products and/or services offered through the Website.
  3. Tratamiento de Datos y uso de cookies El Usuario reconoce haber sido informado de que toda la información relativa al tratamiento de sus datos personales en el contexto del Sitio Web y que se puede encontrar en la Política de Privacidad. Asimismo, en la Política de Cookies encontrará toda la información relativa a las cookies y dispositivos similares que se utilicen en el Sitio Web.
  4. Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial The User acknowledges and accepts that all the contents shown on the Website and/or any other elements inserted in it are protected by copyright or other rights recognised by the applicable intellectual or industrial property law, and that they are owned or licensed by Recycap Technologies and/or third parties Under these Terms of Use, no intellectual or industrial property rights are granted over the Website or any of its constituent elements, beyond those essential for the visualisation and use of the Website. The User shall at all times respect all intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website.
  5. Obligaciones y Responsabilidades del Usuario del Sitio WebEl Usuario se compromete a:
    1. Hacer un uso adecuado y lícito del Sitio Web así como de los contenidos y servicios, de conformidad con: (i) la legislación aplicable en cada momento; (ii) los Términos y Condiciones de Uso del Sitio Web; (iii) la Política de Privacidad; y (v) la Política de Cookies.
    2. Proveerse de todos los medios y requerimientos técnicos que se precisen para acceder al Sitio Web.
    3. Provide truthful information when filling in the forms provided on the Website with your personal data and keep them updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. The User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to Recycap Technologies or third parties for the information provided.
    El Usuario deberá asimismo abstenerse de:
    1. Hacer un uso no autorizado o fraudulento del Sitio Web y/o de los contenidos alojados en el Sitio Web con fines o efectos ilícitos, prohibidos en los presentes Términos y Condiciones de Uso, lesivos para los derechos e intereses de terceros, o que de cualquier forma puedan dañar, inutilizar, sobrecargar, deteriorar o impedir la normal utilización de los servicios o los documentos, archivos y toda clase de contenidos almacenados en cualquier equipo informático relacionado con este Sitio Web.
    2. Utilizar los servicios y, en particular, la información de cualquier clase obtenida a través del Sitio Web, para enviar comunicaciones con cualquier finalidad comercial y/o mensajes no solicitados dirigidos a una pluralidad de individuos con independencia de su finalidad, así como comercializar o divulgar, de cualquier modo, dicha información obtenida a través del Sitio Web.
    3. Provocar daños en los sistemas físicos o lógicos del Sitio Web, de sus proveedores o de terceros.
    4. Introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of Recycap Technologies, its suppliers or third parties.
    5. Attempting to access, use and/or manipulate the data of Recycap Technologies , its third-party suppliers or other Users.
    6. Reproducir o copiar, distribuir, permitir el acceso del público a través de cualquier modalidad de comunicación pública, transformar o modificar los contenidos alojados en el Sitio Web, a menos que se cuente con la autorización del titular de los correspondientes derechos o ello resulte legalmente permitido.
    7. Delete, hide or manipulate the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other data identifying the rights of Recycap Technologies or third parties incorporated into the contents hosted on the Website, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in these contents.
    8. Obtener o intentar obtener los contenidos alojados en el Sitio Web empleando para ello medios o procedimientos distintos de los que, según los casos, se hayan puesto a su disposición a este efecto o se hayan indicado expresamente en el Sitio Web o, en general, de los que se empleen habitualmente en Internet por no entrañar un riesgo de daño o inutilización del Sitio Web y/o de los contenidos alojados en el mismo.
    9. En particular, y a título meramente indicativo y no exhaustivo, el Usuario se compromete a no transmitir, difundir o poner a disposición de terceros informaciones, datos, contenidos, mensajes, gráficos, dibujos, archivos de sonido y/o imagen, fotografías, grabaciones, software y, en general, cualquier clase de material a través del Sitio Web que
      • De cualquier forma sea contrario, menosprecie o atente contra los derechos fundamentales y las libertades públicas reconocidas constitucionalmente, en los Tratados Internacionales y en el resto de la legislación vigente.
      • Induzca, incite o promueva actuaciones delictivas, denigratorias, difamatorias, violentas o, en general, contrarias a la ley, a la moral, a las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas o al orden público.
      • Induzca, incite o promueva actuaciones, actitudes o pensamientos discriminatorios por razón de sexo, raza, religión, creencias, edad o condición.
      • Incorpore, ponga a disposición o permita acceder a productos, elementos, mensajes y/o servicios delictivos, violentos, ofensivos, nocivos, degradantes o, en general, contrarios a la ley, a la moral y a las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas o al orden público.
      • Induzca o pueda inducir a un estado inaceptable de ansiedad o temor.
      • Induzca o incite a involucrarse en prácticas peligrosas, de riesgo o nocivas para la salud y el equilibrio psíquico.
      • Is protected by the legislation on intellectual or industrial protection belonging to Recycap Technologies or third parties without the intended use having been authorised.
      • Sea contrario al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar o a la propia imagen de las personas.
      • Constituya cualquier tipo de publicidad.
      • Incluya cualquier tipo de virus o programa que impida el normal funcionamiento del Sitio Web.
      • Are contrary to the morals, public order, good customs, internal rules of Recycap Technologies or that may disrupt the proper functioning, image, credibility and/or prestige of Recycap Technologies or its collaborators. Likewise, Recycap Technologies may moderate any comment or opinion prior or subsequent to its publication in order to avoid the publication of comments or opinions of this nature.
  6. Acceso, contraseña y confidencialidad If, in order to access some of the services and/or contents of the Website, Users are provided with a password, the User agrees to use it diligently and to keep it secret at all times. Consequently, the User shall be responsible for its proper custody and confidentiality, undertaking not to transfer it to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, or to allow access to the aforementioned services and/or contents of the Website by third parties.Likewise, the User undertakes to notify Recycap Technologies , through the Website, of any event that may involve the improper use of their password, such as, by way of example, its theft, loss or unauthorised access, in order to proceed to its immediate cancellation. Consequently, as long as the above notification is not made, Recycap Technologies will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper use of the password, and any illicit use of the contents and/or services of the Website by any illegitimate third party will be the exclusive responsibility of the User. If the User negligently or fraudulently breaches any of the obligations established in the present Terms of Use, he/she will be liable for all the damages that said breach may inflict on Recycap Technologies . Likewise, each User acknowledges that access to the Website is through an Internet network, for which, in order to enjoy it, he/she must have the means to access the Internet and make the corresponding payments and charges that are billed by his/her provider (for example, payment of the Internet connection or payments for the use of air time).
  7. Responsabilidades Recycap Technologies does not guarantee continuous access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained on the Website, nor that these may not be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control. Recycap Technologies reserves the right to interrupt Users’ access to the Website at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control or maintenance reasons, due to power failures or for any other reason. Recycap Technologies is not responsible for the decisions that Users may take as a result of accessing the contents or information offered on the Website.Recycap Technologies may interrupt Users’ access to the Website if it detects that any use of its Website or any of the services offered on it is contrary to these Terms of Use. Recycap Technologies shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims or expenses arising from Users’ use of the Website. Recycap Technologies alone will be responsible for removing, as soon as possible, the contents hosted on the Website that may cause such damage, provided that it is notified accordingly. In particular, Recycap Technologies will not be liable for any damages that may derive, among others, from:
    • interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in the telecommunications lines and networks, or any other cause beyond the control of Recycap Technologies ;
    • intromisiones ilegítimas mediante el uso de programas malignos de cualquier tipo y a través de cualquier medio de comunicación, tales como virus informáticos o cualesquiera otros;
    • abuso indebido o inadecuado del Sitio Web;
    • security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions of the same. Recycap Technologies has the right to withdraw, in whole or in part, any content or information hosted on the Website.
    Recycap Technologies shall in no case be liable for damages of any nature that may be caused by the misuse by Users of the freely available services and the use of the Website. Likewise, Recycap Technologies will in no case be responsible for the content and information that may be received from Users as a result of the data collection forms. On the other hand, the Users will respond before Recycap Technologies for all the damages and prejudices caused by an illicit or incorrect use of the above mentioned services or of the Website. The User will indemnify and hold Recycap Technologies harmless against any damages arising from claims, actions or demands from third parties as a result of their access to or use of the Website. Likewise, the User undertakes to indemnify Recycap Technologies against any damages caused as a result of their use of “robots”, “spiders”, “crawlers” or similar tools used for the purpose of collecting or extracting data from the Website or any other action on their behalf that imposes a burden on the operation of the Website.
  8. Uso del Sitio Web por menores de edad The Website is intended for persons of legal age, although access to minors is permitted. However, in the event that a minor wishes to request information, they may only do so themselves if they are over 16 years of age. In the case of minors under 16 years of age, information must be requested by the person who holds their parental authority, guardian or legal representative, authorising the latter on behalf of the minor the processing of their personal data by the company, in such a way that those in charge of minors assume sole responsibility for determining the services and contents of the Website that are appropriate for the age of the minor under their responsibility.Recycap Technologies assumes no responsibility in the event that minors provide their information in breach of the obligations set out in the previous section.
  9. Contenido de terceros Recycap Technologies reserves the right to post third party content on the Website. Such postings may be works of authorship or information, including but not limited to postings written by third parties, links to other websites or any material that the User finds on the Website.Recycap Technologies does not control such third party content and therefore assumes no responsibility for such content, its truthfulness, accuracy, timeliness, suitability, reliability or quality of the information provided. Recycap Technologies also assumes no responsibility for third party content that is objectionable, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful or in breach of these rules of use made available by users and third parties.
  10. Hipervínculos The User undertakes not to reproduce in any way, even by means of a hyperlink, the Recycap Technologies Website, or any of its contents, unless expressly authorised in writing by Recycap Technologies.Recycap Technologies will in no case be liable for any damages suffered by the access to services or information of third parties through connections, references or links of the sites linked to the Website itself. The function of the links that appear on this Website is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet. Therefore, Recycap Technologies will in no case be responsible for the content of said websites, nor does it guarantee, in whole or in part, the services and/or information that third parties may offer through links to third parties. The User undertakes to exercise extreme caution in the evaluation and use of the information and services existing on the websites of third parties. The User is granted a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to create links to the home page of the Website solely for private, non-commercial use. Websites that, for exclusively private and non-commercial purposes, include a link to our Website (i) may not give the impression that Recycap Technologies recommends that website or its services or products; (ii) may not misrepresent their relationship with Recycap Technologies or state that Recycap Technologies has authorised such a link, nor include brands, denominations, commercial names, logos or other distinctive signs of Recycap Technologies; (iii) may not include content that may be considered to be in bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, inciting to violence or discrimination on grounds of sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or illicit; (iv) may not link to any page of the Website other than the home page; (v) must link to the Website address itself, without allowing the website that makes the link to reproduce the Website as part of its website or within one of its frames or create a browser on any of the pages of the Website; and (vi) may not imply the existence of a relationship with Recycap Technologies through the existence of a hyperlink. Recycap Technologies may, at any time, request the removal of any link to the Website, after which it must immediately proceed to remove the link. Recycap Technologies cannot control the information, contents, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website. Consequently, Recycap Technologies assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any aspect relating to such websites.
  11. Duración y terminación The provision of the web services provided by Recycap Technologies through this Website are, in principle, of indefinite duration. However, Recycap Technologies may terminate or suspend at any time any of the services provided through the Website. Whenever possible, Recycap Technologies will announce the termination or suspension of the provision of a specific service.
  12. Manifestaciones y Garantías In general, the contents and services offered through the Website are for information purposes only. Therefore, by offering them, Recycap Technologies does not grant any guarantee in relation to the contents and services offered through the Website, including, by way of example, guarantees of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, or marketability, except insofar as such guarantees cannot be excluded by law.Recycap Technologies has no obligation to control and does not control the contents transmitted, distributed or made available to third parties by Users or collaborators, except in cases where this is required by current legislation or when required by the competent judicial or administrative authority.
  13. Fuerza mayor Recycap Technologies under no circumstances shall be liable for damages caused by the inability to provide web services, if this is due to prolonged interruptions in electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.
  14. Resolución de controversias. Ley aplicable y jurisdicción These Terms of Use, as well as the use of the Website, shall be governed by the common Spanish legislation in force. For any r controversy or conflict that may arise between Recycap Technologies and the Users of the Website, the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the User.In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid or void under applicable law or as a result of a judicial or administrative decision, such invalidity or nullity shall not render these Terms of Use invalid or void as a whole. In such cases, Recycap Technologies will modify or replace such provision with one that is valid and enforceable and that, to the extent possible, achieves the objective and intent reflected in the original provision.